Utilized CATIA to design one Car-front and column for the crash test.
Evaluated materials and speed of the car-front using Abaqus to provide more cost-effective testing.
Outcome: penetration of column into car-front is diagnosed by varying the speed/acceleration of the car.
Used X-foil, SolidWorks, and ANSYS 14.1 for this project.
Executed 0.5m spacing technique to have a proper boundary condition to examine the changes near the airfoil
surface and captured coordinates using X-foil and converted into CATIA.
Outcome: Morphing Technique increases the coefficient of Lift to 1.34 from baseline airfoil 1.2, reduces drag by 6.5%,
with delayed stalling angle.
Analyzed and compared the Lift and drag coefficients of different dimple-shaped golf balls in a real subsonic closed-loop wind tunnel.
Developed two Golf Balls of Hexagonal and circular-shaped dimples using SolidWorks and 3D printed them.
Outcome: Hexagonal dimpled golf ball with shallower depth seen 0.89 more Lift Coefficient compared to circular dimpled golf ball.
• Combined the individual parts to form the 3D model to learn how to best utilize this software.
• Designed and assembled the four-stroke piston engine in AutoCAD SolidWorks.